Brooklyn’s champion ice hockey team

Meet the men of the Crescents, also known as the New Mooners, an ice hockey team affiliated with Brooklyn’s Crescent Athletic Club.

They bagged several New York Amateur Hockey League championship titles between 1896 and 1918, when the team (and the league) disbanded in the wake of America’s involvement in World War I.


This is the 1911 crew. No helmets or padding for these guys. They played at an ice rink on Claremont Avenue in Brooklyn as well as at the St. Nicholas Rink on the Upper West Side, where they battled their chief rival, the wonderfully named New York Wanderers.

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5 Responses to “Brooklyn’s champion ice hockey team”

  1. petey Says:

    a comprehensive link:

    a later team of the same name:

  2. wildnewyork Says:

    Cool, thanks! I believe there’s a Brooklyn Crescents lacrosse team today.

  3. Don O'Hanley Says:

    The Brooklyn Crescents also played in the Brooklyn Ice Palace, one of the longest-lived rinks in New York. The building was cold and had a wonderfully fast ice surface. It was used for practice by the NY Rangers and NY Americans. During World War II, the NY Rovers and Brooklyn Crescents played Eastern Hockey League games there. The building was razed sometime in the 1960’s – if memory serves. Public skating sessions there were inexpensive, never really crowded and always enjoyable.

  4. Bob Scott Says:

    Does anyone have the names of the players in the 1911 photo?

    • Post Says:

      2nd from right is Stirling Martin. 3rd from right is Ernie Garon. 4th is Artie Liffiton and 5th is William Scarborough. 7th is Sars Kennedy and 9th Ernie Dufresne. 11th is Dennis Jackson. 13th is Bert Shirreff.

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