Posts Tagged ‘Alphabet City in the 1980s’

Soda and smack on Avenue D

November 7, 2009

Suburban drug-seeking kids of the 1980s: the cops from the East Village’s Ninth Precinct never believed your stories of randomly getting mugged on Avenue D on your way back to Great Neck.

Here’s what one detective had to say to The Soho News on March 16, 1982:


Later in the article, the reporter quotes another cop calling Avenue D “the world’s largest retail drug market.” 

A guide to narcotics in the East Village, 1982

September 11, 2009

The Soho News, a weekly paper that covered downtown from 1973 to 1982, ran some news briefs about East Village smack shops and drug dealing titled “Alphabet City Soup” in their March 16, 1982 issue.


It included this informative guide to the most popular brands of cocaine and heroin available between Avenues A and D at the time.